Friday, April 10, 2015

A Tale of One Blog

It has been the best of times, it has been the worst of times, it has been the spring of hope, it has been the winter of despair...

My blogging activities are now coming to a close as I focus on my speech and presentation.  This past week, however, due to a heavily booked schedule, I was unable to take any time to dedicate to this effort.  This weekend, I believe that I should have ample time and opportunity to edit my speech and create the presentation.  As discussed before, the following outline details how I have structured my speech, as well as how I plan to structure my presentation.  Also this weekend, I will be designing and publishing a personality test online that will (most likely) evaluate an individual's level of introversion/extraversion based on their levels of shyness and capacity for stimulation (or lack thereof).  I plan to incorporate at least a shout-out in my speech/presentation for this personality test.  With the order and structure that I plan to maintain, there is a high potential for my speech and presentation to succeed in educating and connecting with the audience.

I. Introduction
     A. Video: "Introverts & Extraverts"
     B. Misunderstanding Between Introverts and Extraverts Regarding Behavior(s)
     C. Mission Statement
II. Definition of Terms (Introvert, Extravert, and Ambivert)
     A. Carl Jung's Creations and Definitions
     B. Ambiverts & the Spectrum/Scale
     C. My Use of the Terms
III. Different Optimum Levels of Arousal
     A. Common, Yet Flawed, View of Groups
     B. Concept of Optimum Levels of Arousal
     C. Difference in Optimum Levels of Arousal
     D. Application of Concept to Behavior(s) Among Groups
     E. Explanation for Some Common Myths
IV. Differences in Brain Structure and Function
     A. Eysenck's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
          1. Differences in Response(s) to Dopamine
          2. Differences in Dopamine Pathways
          3. Explanation of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
     B. Other Research & Support
          1. Buckner
          2. Johnson & Wiebe
V. Other Factors
     A. Genotype-Environment Interaction and Genotype-Environment Correlation
          1. Explanation of Genotype
          2. Genotype-Environment Interaction
          3. Genotype-Environment Correlation
               a. Passive Type
               b. Evocative Type
               c. Active Type
              (d. Music Talent Example)
     B. Specific Events and Their Effects
VI. Implications and Consequences (Conclusion)
     A. Reconsideration of Social Stereotypes
     B. Value and Worth of Both Groups
     C. Understanding Others
     D. Understanding Self
     E. Ability to Change Self
     F. Thanks and Goodbye

My efforts in researching and blogging have provided one wild ride.  At the same time, I believe that I have learned a good deal of information from these activities, and I hope that those reading these posts have learned a great deal as well.  Because of these efforts, I feel fully ready and prepared to present this topic to an audience.  Regardless, I still plan to commit myself to this project for the weekend, quadrupling my efforts as I plan to create the greatest product possible.  This is Josh Peles, signing off.

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